old badge

St Edwards College Liverpool
Bro Brennan and
Class Lower V Alpha 1957

Top Row: David Hart, Paul Addison, Michael Darragh, Michael(twinnieA) Richards, Michael Hall, John( twinnieB) Richards, Francis Bushell, Ronald Johnson, Peter Lewis.

Second Row: Finbarr Murray, Patrick Gray, Kevin Milne, Peter Christmas, Michael Boylan, Philip Traynor, Brian Gower, Edmund Michael Geoghegan, Rodney Irving, Robert Hurst, John Ward, Leslie Maher.

Front Row: John Snape, Joseph Fitzsimmons, Brian Coady, James (Ron) Coffey, Alan Brookfield, Bro. Aidan Brennan, Thomas (Mike) Walmsley, Stephen J. Keating, Henry Minihan, Christopher Craig, Sean McGuirk.

Missing:Walter Naughton and Peter Walley.

Many thanks to Fr Paul Addison for the photo and Dave Hart for many of the identifications.